Welcome to
“Freedom with Watercolour”
I’m looking forward to sharing the medium of watercolour, watercolour has given me so much joy in my life. From my teens and all the way up. It’s spontaneous and fresh (when used right), and offers so much to the soul. Here’s to a great adventure, together.
Watercolour Intro
Lesson 1: “Essential Tools”
Let me introduce you to my collection of tools that I use to create the works that I produce. Escoda and Neef are the brushes that play a part along with some cheaper but “hard wearing” chinese brushes to help me stab in those trees!
Lesson 2: “Essential Materials”
I talk about the different types of paper I use; Arches and Baohong. Here’s a list of colours in my current palette: Ultra Marine Blue, Cobalt Blue, Cobalt Turquoise, Lavender, Neutral Tint, Paynes Grey, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow.
Lesson 3: “The Wash”
Let me show you examples of light washes with some effects. Washes create the tone of the painting.
Lesson 4: “Techniques”
These are some of the basic techniques that I use in most of my paintings.
Lesson 5: “The Layers”
Some of the nicest watercolour paintings I have seen have no more than 3 layers. Let me show you how they work.
Lesson 6: “Values”
Values show you how to approach a scene by breaking it down and simplifying it.
Lesson 7: “Composition”
An introduction to the rule of thirds and some composition ideas. (The late artist Edgar Payne has a great book on composition, his book isn't in print any more but googling him will show some great examples.)
Lesson 8: “Putting it all Together”
Lets create a landscape together while using some of these techniques! Don’t forget to tag your pieces with #freedomwithwatercolour so I can see your progress!